Credit repair differs from credit counseling. The latter involves reviewing your client’s credit and debt and discussing how to manage it better. While the process of repairing credit involves working to increase a customer’s score incrementally. This may be through disputes, criticizing line items, and reaching out to creditors. It’s tough stuff. But in order to do all of these things, you will need to take advantage of a few industry tips.
That’s why this course was created. With experience managing clients’ financial concerns since 2000, our team has the tools to help you quickly and efficiently.
Your Journey to Financial Success and Independence Starts Here
Join one of the most profitable industries in this century!
In January 2010, Americans consumers carried 609.8 million credit cards, according to "The Survey of Consumer Payment Choice," conducted by Boston's Federal Reserve Bank.
That statistic directly translates into a deep market of credit card consumers in need of debt relief and credit repair.
A credit repair business can make on average, $4,000 to $10,000 per month, according to Credit Repair
It is time to take your finances to the next level!
Course Curriculum
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When You Enroll In This Course, You Will Equipped To:
Learn the process
Determine licensing and bonding requirements
Establish a relationship with the credit bureaus
Lease office space
Market your credit repair business
Accumulate and engage every skill need to start a successful credit repair business
Frequently Asked Questions
→ How fast do I have to complete this course?
This course is self-paced, meaning that you can take your time to complete it.
→ How long do I have access to this course?
Once you enroll in this course, you have unlimited access to it.
→ Is credit repair a good business?
Yes, a credit repair business can be extremely profitable if you know how to run it efficiently and take advantage of the huge demand that's going on in the market today. Find a merchant account processor that can help you start your business and remain profitable.
→ What can a virtual office do for my business?
Save time and money as you no longer have to travel, pay rent or hire a staff.
Clients will be impressed as you can get a prestigious business address
Can set up mail handling and mail forwarding
You can meet with clients in a well-appointed office or conference room without renting full-time.
Please Note:
Since this is a knowledge-based course and knowledge CANNOT be reversed once learned, payment made for this course is NON-REFUNDABLE.
No exceptions.
About Richardson Credit Repair
At Richardson credit repair, we strive to make our clients’ life easier when it comes to credit repair.
However complicated or messy your issue is, you can rest assured we’ll find a solution.
Since 2000, our diligent and well-connected team has done what it takes to sort out the points of concern. We’re professional and compliant, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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